
Screening in Navigator Workflows is performed by the Navigator Harlequin RIP using one of a range of advanced screening options to provide you with excellent quality output every time.

Easily select different screening sets of dot shape, screen frequency (line screen), angles and more from your Navigator Workflow client to produce output suitable for your target print process. Navigator Workflows are available with Harlequin Precision Screening (HPS AM screens), Harlequin Dispersed Screening (HDS FM screens) and Harlequin Cross-modulated Screens (HXM Hybrid screens).

The most common method of screening utilised by Navigator Workflow users is Harlequin Precision Screening, an accurate screening model that eliminates moiré and provides up to 4096 shades of grey for super smooth blends and is easy to print and control.

There are also options for Harlequin Dispersed Screening, an advanced second generation stochastic (FM) screen for even higher detail without compromising smooth blends, and for Harlequin Cross-modulated Screening a powerful blend of the two screening types allowing smooth AM tints at very high line screens in the mid-tones but transitioning to FM screens in the highlights and shadows to ensure no dot is too small to print.


Navigator RIP HPS Screening Configuration



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