Colour Management

Prepress UK can help you get a handle on colour management.
We provide world-class products and services to provide consistent, industry standard colour in preparation of your artwork, soft-proofing, hard-proofing and on press.

PressProfiler CIP3

Press Profiler is a powerful and easy to use ink coverage and ink zone calculation solution for offset printing presses providing ink key presetting for a faster make-ready and reduced consumables cost. Press Profiler outputs not only CIP3 (PPF) data but also directly to a wide range of press consoles in their native format. Integrating

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Press Calibration

Make it easier for all your minders to match the proof. It doesn’t matter how good your proof accuracy or how skilled your minder is, if you aren’t getting the right colour of solid ink weights and the right amount of dot gain on press it’s all but impossible to match the proof. Your minder

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Colour Consultancy

We can help you colour manage your entire workflow. Whether you need to ICC profile your colour proofers allowing you to match industry standard colour, calibrate your press to adjust dot gain for accurate colour reproduction, configure your applications and workstations to output consistent files to avoid any unexpected colour shifts, or perhaps even profile

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