Colour Consultancy

We can help you colour manage your entire workflow.

Whether you need to ICC profile your colour proofers allowing you to match industry standard colour, calibrate your press to adjust dot gain for accurate colour reproduction, configure your applications and workstations to output consistent files to avoid any unexpected colour shifts, or perhaps even profile an unusual printing process to allow you to provide colour accurate proofs emulating your actual printed colours and stock, we can help.

From consultancy services to colour management hardware and training we can bring confidence to your business that you can print and proof reliable and repeatable colour to in-house or industry standards.

For many offset printers the target may be outputting to ISO 12647-2 standards, also known as Fogra39, Fogra47 or the newer Fogra 51 and 52, with proofs to match. Whatever your aim with colour you know it’s important to have consistent, repeatable output every time you output, let Prepress UK bring our expertise and equipment to solve your problems and define your process to ensure quality repeatable colour each time you print.

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