Navigator Harlequin RIPs

Xitron’s Navigator RIPs excel in performance, reliability, and value and are powered by the latest v13 Harlequin RIP Server.

Available as a stand-alone RIP or as part of a powerful Navigator PDF Workflow solution, Navigator Harlequin RIP’s PostScript 3® and PDF 1.7 native interpreter makes it is fully compatible with the most popular software packages used in the graphic arts industry today. Whether your production requires rendering and output of PostScript, PDF, PDF/X, TIFF or EPS.

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Navigator’s graphical interface helps you guide jobs through the RIPing and output process to over 250 film, CTP and proofing devices, while optional features such as in-RIP trapping, CIP3 generation, and integrated imposition make it a top performer in the most demanding production environments.

Available for Windows PCs, Xitron’s Navigator RIP is a solid foundation for your pre-press RIPing needs.

Navigator v13 user interface:


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